Prepare for Spring

image of an office with lots of windows

Spring cleaning!

Sometimes, cleaning is a lot harder to accomplish during the dark winter months, but with spring right on top of us, it’s time for that spring cleaning list to come out in order to prepare your home. Here are some more specific things to think about outside of your normal cleaning; wipe down window trims and replace or clean any screens that need them, donate the clothes that you didn’t wear this winter, and switch out your wardrobe to match the warmer weather. Check your air filters and change what needs to be changed. Scrub things like walls, baseboards, and outlets and finally, don’t forget to clean out your dryer vents!

exterior of house at the Bridges

Clean gutters

This one definitely deserves its own section outside of spring cleaning because this is a big one! During the fall and winter months, our gutters fill with all sorts of debris. Well now that things will be growing back and no longer falling, it’s time to clean out those gutters. Need a recommendation on companies to reach out to? We have some great ones for you, just reach out!

Swap the fluffy for the throw!

During those winter months we most likely all pile our beds with the thickest, warmest blankets we can find. Well, no more! Swap some of your larger blankets out for cozy throw blankets to keep you cool during the warmer months.

Take out that patio furniture!

No one wants their patio furniture to be rained on however, now is the time to take it out! Although spring can sometimes entail showers, the warm weather will definitely sneak up on us and you’ll want that furniture out to relax in the sun. Run any cushions that are needed through the wash and wipe down those chairs and tables and you’re set!

a bright open living room/dining room

The finishing touches! 

With a new season comes new decorations and new smells! Swap those winter-scented candles out with your fun spring scents. Buy some fresh bouquets and put them around your house to spruce up the place.